Natural hazards and their management in the protection of critical systems and facilities

Keywords: natural hazards, critical infrastructure


The frequency of extreme weather events fostered by global warming increases, thus pose a threat to the infrastructure of our accustomed daily life - especially to the critical one. Hence the importance of managing natural hazards within the critical infrastructure protection. This study aims to support the proper critical infrastructure protection. In the first part an overview of the (changing) climate of the Carpathian basin will be given based on literature and the analysis of relevant publicly available data. Then the results of our research will be provided that focused on the current practice in the natural hazard management of the Hungarian operators of essential services. Possibilities of further improvement will also be discussed.


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How to Cite
SomogyiT. (2023). Natural hazards and their management in the protection of critical systems and facilities. Defence Science, 7(4), 139-159. Retrieved from