Fire safety test for stone fungal cladding according to facade requirements

Keywords: fire risk assessment, facade cladding, thermal insulation system, stone veneer, facade fire spread, fire protection class, composite


In modern architecture, we increasingly encounter stone cladding instead of traditional plaster. Architects and builders have already requested the presentation of such facades with brick, tile, stone, artificial stone, or other similar coverings other than plaster. In our work, a special stone covering is called we investigated the applicability of stone veneer according to fire protection aspects. Stone veneer is a multi-layer system made with special technology. Natural stone veneer sheets (1-1.5 mm) are attached to a synthetic resin carrier layer (3-5 mm). Two samples with NMÉ available in domestic trade were tested according to MSZ EN 11925-2, MSZ EN 1182, R-118-2 V. and MSZ 14800-16 standards. After evaluating the tests and comparing the results, we make a proposal on the one hand to reduce the flammability of products and the socalled pre-mandatory EURCLASS tests. For pre-tests, on the other hand, we can also determine the possible direction of product development for the manufacturer.


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How to Cite
KomlaiK., & KerekesZ. (2023). Fire safety test for stone fungal cladding according to facade requirements. Defence Science, 7(4), 24-45. Retrieved from