Possibilities of developement of asset register of professional disaster management device

Keywords: asset register, RFID, logistics, stock taking, disaster management


The professional disaster management body is obliged to inventory its supplies and assets in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Accounting. The current inventory process is time consuming, the people taking inventory spend several days with it in addition to performing their basic tasks. In the present publication, the author describes the Radio Frequency IDentification [RFID] technology and shows that if it is used, the process can be made more economical, and the relatively high initial investment costs are repaid.


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How to Cite
Kiss Ádám. (2023). Possibilities of developement of asset register of professional disaster management device. Defence Science, 8(2), 188-199. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13521