Selection of heat insulation materials based on survey

Keywords: thermal insulation of buildings, polystyrene, PUR foam, rock wool


Thermal insulation and the energy saving of the buildings are well-known. But in the real life, what heat insulators are chosen by builders and users? What aspects are taken into consideration during the purchasing? Do they know the insulating materials and their most important attributes? The authors took a survey of which insulating materials have priority among the respondents and what aspects are taken into account during purchasing. Based on the results of the survey, the polystyrene, the polyurethane foam and as well as the insulating materials based on cotton fibres are a priority among respondents. During the thermoanalytical analysis, it has been proved that the popular polystyrene and polyurethane
foam has lost more than 90% of the weight of the mass while the rock wool insulation lost only 6%. Furthermore, the gas emissions of the plastic heat insulators are very high compared to the rock wool. The use of combustible construction products increases the risk of the fire.


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How to Cite
RagácsN., & ElekB. (2023). Selection of heat insulation materials based on survey. Defence Science, 3(1), 56-70. Retrieved from