Fire protection net

Keywords: complex fire protection, innovative engineering methods, fire protection net, dynamic useage


Basic pillars of sustainable development, among others, are safety and health. We spend a significant part of our lives in built environment, in buildings; therefore the sustainable and safedesign of them has become a basic need nowadays. One major area of the security of buildings is fire protection, which, in a complex way, is an integral part of the life cycle of buildings. In almost every country of the world architectural fire protection is based on laws. We are aware of fire safety estimation methods, technical procedures, risk assessments in the science of fire protection, but they do not comprise the entire life cycle of a building in terms of building – human – fire triple interaction, nor take account of fire prevention, fire
intervention, or fire investigation. On account of the non-complex fire protection become critical places and intervals in the life cycle of a building. In the publication I analyze the implementation of complex fire protection across the full life
cycle of buildings. Integrated in investigation of fires, which were generated in critical times, in critical places, and situations, I introduce the potential development opportunities lying in complex fire protection based on innovative engineering methods, and also in fire protection net which covers the entire life cycle of buildings.


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How to Cite
Dr. ÉrcesG. (2023). Fire protection net. Defence Science, 1(2), 472-496. Retrieved from