Research of the application of anhydrous fire fighting foam

  • László Pimper
Keywords: fire protection, fire fighting, foam agent, vapour suppression, DryFoam


In hazardous industry, especially in the fields of oil and chemical industry, energy sector or transportation, there is an everyday challenge of safe handling of different flammable liquids and liquefied gases. In the course of responding to  emergencies the most frequently used materials are fire fighting foams available in wide range. When mentioning fire fighting foams, mainly water-based foams come into mind. Apart from some special experimental solutions fire fighting foams, suitable for fire fighters consist of foamed-up solution of foam agent and water. As an alternative of this traditional fire fighting foam agent and extinguishing material, some years ago a new extinguishing agent turned up, named
DryFoam, of which application does not need any water. For the time being the test of these oil and water repellent hollow beads, which is a buoyant fireproof material have been tested only in research phase. It might be able to open up new horizons in terms of safe storage and application of hazardous materials. In this article the author summarizes some related research works in connection with the above presented DryFoam material, which was developed by Trelleborg Offshore Co., based in Boston. By analysing the research results of the centres dealing with the development of fire prevention and fire fighting of flammable liquids the author evaluates the inherent possibilities of applying this new material group.


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How to Cite
PimperL. (2023). Research of the application of anhydrous fire fighting foam. Defence Science, 1(1), 15-29. Retrieved from