18. századi családnevek a Felső-Rábaközből

  • Józsefné Varga


18th century family names in the Felső-Rábaköz region

The results of the quantitative analysis of family names of the Felső-Rábaköz region reflect the adversities of regional history took place until the turn of the 17th–18th centuries. The 1715 year’s register contained only 553 families, a number, which increased to 1593 by 1754; in the meanwhile the number of the family names rose from 208 to 489. This tendency of rapid rise slowed down in the 19th century. As the increase in the number of families was larger than the increase in the number of family names, the number of families bearing the same name rose from 2,66 to 3,26 between 1715 and 1754. – Investigation into frequency of 18th century family names convincingly proves that deserted villages were continuously being inhabited by new settlers. One sign of it is the relatively high number of family names occurring only once. Family names of average frequency constitute the most characteristic names of a region or of a settlement. – Family names developed from ethnic names and those developed from names of occupations are of great frequency in the 18th century and are still very characteristic of the Felső-Rábaköz region.

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