A Felső-Rábaköz családneveinek jelentéstani vizsgálata

  • Józsefné Varga


Semantic analysis of family names of the Felső-Rábaköz region

The semantic classification of family names of the Felső-Rábaköz region in the 18th–19th centuries proves the fact that the great majority of family names had been developed from place-names, personal names, names of occupations and from words denoting personal characteristics. These first four categories included almost 80% of family names in each period of time. The remaining one fifth of the family names belonged to 11 different categories, the frequency of which was insignificant. – The three major semantic types displayed the order "common noun, place-name, personal name" in both centuries. The proportion of family names developed from place-names was the highest, and was increasing constantly (30–35%). Family names developed from personal names were also important (22%), but their proportion did not change substantially. Regarding family names developed from names of occupations, one can observe a decreasing tendency in the name stock. – If we consider the number of family names we realise that family names developed from names of occupations formed the third, and family names developed from ethnic names formed the fifth most characteristic group of family names. Regarding the number of the families, however, one can observe that most people bore these name types. In this region family names derived from names of occupations must have been developed for the first time. In 1715, 40% of the families bore names of this type. In the group of family names developed from ethnic names, only three frequent family names can be found.

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