Documents of the defence of István Hoffmann’s academic doctoral dissertation entitled “A Tihanyi alapítólevél mint helynévtörténeti forrás (A régi magyar helynevek vizsgálatának alapkérdései)"

"[The Deed of Foundation of Tihany Abbey as a source of place name history (Fundamental qouestions of examining early Hungarian place names)]"

  • István Hoffmann Debreceni Egyetem
Keywords: academic doctoral dissertation, István Hoffmann, The Deed of Foundation of Tihany Abbey as a source of place name history, Hungarian place names, historical toponomastics


Documents of the defence of István Hoffmann’s academic doctoral dissertation entitled „A Tihanyi alapítólevél mint helynévtörténeti forrás (A régi magyar helynevek vizsgálatának alapkérdései) [The Deed of Foundation of Tihany Abbey as a source of place name history (Fundamental questions of examining early Hungarian place names)]”

This summary presents the conclusions of István Hoffmann’s academic doctoral dissertation. In the thesis the author gives a complex analysis of the early Hungarian place names that are preserved in a scattered way in the Latin text of the charter „The Deed of Foundation of Tihany Abbey”, forming sporadic records of the Hungarian language. Adopting some relatively new aspects of consideration (e.g. name-sociological approach) in his discussion, the author works out several new interpretations of these names. The summary also contains the reviews of the opponents (Géza Érszegi, Erzsébet Zelliger and István Szathmári) as well as the author’s joint response.

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