A Kiss Lajos-díj 2012. évi nyertese: Dr. N. Fodor János

  • István Hoffmann Debreceni Egyetem
Kulcsszavak: névkutatók, Kiss Lajos-díj, N. Fodor János, magyar személynevek, történeti személynévkutatás


The 2012 winner of Lajos Kiss Prize: Dr János N. Fodor  


The Lajos Kiss Prize, awarded every 2 or 3 years since 2006, is considered to be a highly prestigious award for young onomasticians. The 2012 winner of the prize is Dr János N. Fodor, senior lecturer in the Department of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He earned this award for his contribution to Hungarian Onomastics, especially in research on personal names.

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