Comparing Hungarian and Slovakian (Slavic) onomastic terminology

  • János Bauko Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem
Keywords: onomatic terminology, Slavic onomastic terms, Slovakian onomastic terms, Hungarian onomastic terms, system of proper names, name types, comparative analysis of onomastic terms


Comparing Hungarian and Slovakian (Slavic) onomastic terminology  


The author gives a brief survey of recent research in Hungarian and Slovakian (Slavic) onomastic terminology, and compares several onomastic terms in these languages. While Hungarian onomastic terminology is characterized by the use of Hungarian terms (Hungarocentrism) and terms used only in a single language, Slovakian (Slavic) onomastic terminology is built up of terms of foreign origin (internationalism) and terms used in similar forms and with similar meanings in several languages.

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