Article review: Does the population-based approach really reduce coronary heart disease mortality more than the clinical? Research to prove Rose's hypothesis approach?

  • József Vitrai Health Promotion (Hungary), Budapest, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group, Szeged, Hungary
  • Szilvia Beke Ferenc Gál University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Gyula, Hungary
  • László Márk Békés County Central Hospital, Pándy Kálmán Member Hospital, Cardiology Department, Gyula, Hungary
Keywords: prevention, heart disease, public health

Author Biography

József Vitrai, Health Promotion (Hungary), Budapest, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group, Szeged, Hungary




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How to Cite
Vitrai, J., Beke, S., & Márk, L. (2022). Article review: Does the population-based approach really reduce coronary heart disease mortality more than the clinical? Research to prove Rose’s hypothesis approach?. Health Promotion, 63(2), 90-94.
Article review