Data security planning for data transfers
In relation to the processing of personal data, its secure implementation - given that that both Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to processing of personal data and ont he free movement of such data, and repealing Directive Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) Article 5 (1) point f) of paragraph (under the name of integrity and confidentiality), and that CXII of 2011 on information self-determination and freedom of information Act (hereinafter: Infotv.) Section 4 (4a) - it is defined as a basic principle data security, all data processing operations, such as the preparation of data transfers,must be kept in mind during planning and practical implementation. Of course, the other data management principles apply to the legal implementation of data transfers compliance is also necessary, but this study does not aim to present them, the focus is on that is on data security. In the same way, this study does not cover the GDPR and Infotv. information security, which has a broader conceptual scope than the conceptual system of data security criteria, which otherwise include personal data as a subset safety as well.
Az információs önrendelkezési jogról és az információszabadságról szóló 2011. évi CXII. törvény – 2024.12.15-én hatályos szöveg
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