The examination of theories of resilience as an essential individual and common ability with regard to crisis and natural disasters
The term resilience is used in many disciplines from engineering to ecology and psychology. The reason for the wide applicability of the term is that it can be used to explain the adaptive resistance of different materials or structures to shocks at a general system level. In a broader sense, however, this phenomenon can also be seen as an organising force, namely a kind of system is destroyed by the some forces acting against it, and is reorganised restored at another level. It is beyond doubt that the phenomenon could be mostly defined as a psychological term, as resilience is the ability to cope with high levels of stress and traumatic situations. Numerous theories, supported by empirical research data, have been put forward on the emergence, preconditions and functioning of reactive behaviour. Therefore it can be used very effectively in crisis situations such as natural disasters, when it is essential to apply practices based on the adequate resilience of individuals and communities. The study presents in detail the foundations and guidelines of the resilience theory, which is complemented by the possibilities of measuring resistance in both prevention and rehabilitation processes in order to be incorporated into the most effective practice.
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