Fire brigade interventions related to exceptional weather conditions in Bács-Kiskun county – forest and vegetation fires

Keywords: fire protection, forest fire, Bács-Kiskun, experiences, developement


Due to the increasing frequency of extreme weather phenomena in my environment I decided to investigate the related fire-fighting interventions in Bács-Kiskun county. I chose the topic of forest and vegetation fires as my first scope. It is a very topical and important subject, especially in view of the vulnerability of the county and the protection of life and property. Using statistical data and analysis of large forest fires I identify their characteristic features. I will summarise and compare these with the development milestones from previous years. Finally, I will make concrete recommendations for further optimisation of prevention and preparedness.


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How to Cite
GyapjasJ. (2024). Fire brigade interventions related to exceptional weather conditions in Bács-Kiskun county – forest and vegetation fires. Defence Science, 8(4), 83-103.