A 2013-as bátai árvíz

  • Tibor Fleischer


Hungary is a country of waters. Its territory is densely criss-crossed by various watercourses, a mixture of larger and smaller ones. Before the river controls, there were huge flood plains in the country, with wet, marshy and reedy areas. People tried to live with it. However, after the river regulations, all this changed, we occupied and inhabited the former floodplains of our rivers. The cross-section of the beds decreased, and the tidal waves did not become smaller. The river would take back its territory, but we will do almost anything to keep it between the dams. Today, the two most experienced natural disasters in Hungary are storm damage and floods. The importance of the latter is also shown by the fact that in our language we distinguish between different floods. Flash Flood, Ice Flood, Spring Flood, and Zöldár. The latter paid his respects on the Danube in June 2013.Part of the settlement of Báta lies between the Great Dam and the Danube, basically entrusted with the protection of the summer dam. But the summer dam in June 2013 was not enough. In my article, I would like to present the days that lasted from the preparation to the withdrawal of the price wave. Paying tribute to all the firefighters, policemen, soldiers and other professional bodies, civilians and volunteers who worked there.


Báta településről 3 óránként küldött jelentések, Báta, 2013.

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Belügyminisztérium Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság, „Az árvízi védekezési feladatok irányítása, koordinálása vonatkozásában az erők, eszközök átcsoportosítására, vezénylésére szóló 4/2013 (VI.06.) főigazgatói parancs,” [Online]. Elérhetőség : BM OKF Intranet normatár hatályon kívül helyezett normák.

A 191/2013 (VI.10.) számú kormányrendelet a veszélyhelyzet kihirdetéséről és az ennek során teendő intézkedésekről, valamint a veszélyhelyzet kihirdetéséről és az ennek során teendő intézkedésekről szóló

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How to Cite
FleischerT. (2024). A 2013-as bátai árvíz. Defence Science, 8(4), 67-82. https://doi.org/10.61790/vt.2023.14882