Examination of the carried overload for firefighters with a physical load test

Keywords: test, overload, burned energy, elapsed time


People have been in constant contact with fire throughout the history. During this time, they also learned the beneficial and dangerous effects of fire. Lot of fires generate all over the world, so the science of firefighting needs constant research and development. It is a fact that the physical work of firefighters is tiring. It has a bad affect to the health of firefighters in case of a long time intervention, so the physical performance of firefighters should be increase. In addition, reducing the physical load also provides an opportunity to increase the effective intervention. In the paper, the author points out the limitations of the load capacity of firefighters and demonstrates the need to increase the ability to extinguish with free movement. In order to achieve this objective, the author conducts an own test, which does not require significant resources, but their results can already provide guidance for a tool development. As a result of the test, he proposes to use a novel, innovative technical tool during the firefighting.


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How to Cite
BodnárL. (2023). Examination of the carried overload for firefighters with a physical load test. Defence Science, 6(3), 513-530. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13850