Methods of electric car chargings according to aspects of the fire protection

Keywords: electric fire, charging mode, charger, firefighting


In parallel with the spread of electric cars, more and more companies are setting up car chargers at their premises. The design of the charger and charging cable also differs in case of different charging methods, therefore, they present other risks in terms of fire hazard. Generally Mode 1 and Mode 2 charging modes are common. In our paper, the Mode 3 and Mode 4 charging modes are more relevant, when the charging is already carried out through charging devices specially designed for this purpose. This equipment is similar to different switchboards, they contain all the necessary protection and communication devices to ensure a safe charging process. Mode 4 DC charger is larger, more complex and therefore it has more significant fire risk. Overload also appears as a source of danger, so it is important to use appropriate overcurrent protection devices. Based on the causes of electric fires, the authors examine each case and propose a coherent regulation.


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How to Cite
Terjék Ágnes, KerekesZ., MensahR., & Restás Ágoston. (2023). Methods of electric car chargings according to aspects of the fire protection. Defence Science, 6(3), 211-223. Retrieved from