Analysis of the fire protection authority and professional activity in the system of the integrated disaster management system

Keywords: disaster management, fire protection, authority and professional authority activity, prevention


The system of tasks of the professional disaster management body comprises a very wide range of activities. The tasks based on industrial security, fire protection and civil protection include authority prevention of disasters, organization and management of protection, implementation of rescue in emerged civil emergencies, as well as liquidation of the harmful consequences and realization of restoration-reconstruction. In addition the industrial security, the professional field of water affairs and water protection have been performing more widely authority and professional authority activities in the past periods. Authority activity is the important part of disaster management, prevention, planning and organization activity. The fire protection authority takes licencing, prohibiting and limiting measures, conducts fire inspections, issues authority certificates and imposes fire protection fines during its activity.


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How to Cite
NovákyM. (2023). Analysis of the fire protection authority and professional activity in the system of the integrated disaster management system. Defence Science, 6(3), 183-196. Retrieved from