Occupational safety aspects of the fire safety investigation of municipal waste management

Keywords: waste, fire safety, fire risk, decomposition, combustion


Waste management is an activity that poses a number of sources of danger, in which fires appear in a way that triggers a significant intervention force and often prolongs an accident. The definition of fire risks not only takes into account the professional aspects of firefighting or fire prevention, but also includes the need to assess the harmful, typically toxic environmental and public health effects of combustion products released by fire. The processes leading to the ignition and flame combustion of waste piles have a great many physical and material factors, the credible assessment of which requires considerable expertise. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the engineering assessment of the factors influencing fire safety in waste management and their scale based on appropriate studies by broadening this professional knowledge base. The details of this concerning municipal waste are intended to be explored without the need for completeness. 


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How to Cite
AntalI., & NagyR. (2023). Occupational safety aspects of the fire safety investigation of municipal waste management. Defence Science, 6(4), 42-72. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13704