The history of hungarian firefighter training from the beginning to the change of regime

Keywords: fire, prevention, history, fire safety, regulations, voluntary fire brigades


Fire prevention and suppression is one of the oldest organized human activities. As fire extinguishing tools and equipment grew, more and more knowledge was needed. The Hungarian National Fire Brigade Association was established in 1870 by the voluntary fire brigade associations. Between 1890 and 1902, the Budapest Voluntary Fire Brigade held 11 national firefighting courses. The country’s fire brigade disintegrated as a result of war conditions and acts of war. In 1945, the Provisional National Government transferred the supervision and control of the unified Hungarian fire brigade to the Ministry of the Interior. In 1991, the organizational units providing fire protection education and research came under joint
control, and the BM Fire Protection Training and Research Institute was established. This article provides an overview of the history of the Hungarian firefighter training from the beginning to the change of regime, the legal bases for the reorganization of fire brigades and fire police, and the general provisions regulating education.


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How to Cite
PappA., BerkiI., & HorváthG. V. (2023). The history of hungarian firefighter training from the beginning to the change of regime. Defence Science, 7(1), 220-240. Retrieved from