The effectiveness of online education at the faculty of law enforcement from the aspect of professor's and student's - the result of a hybrid research

Keywords: digital education, citizens of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, hybrid research, synthesis, efficiency


This study comprises the results of a half-year long hybrid research, which investigates the impacts of digital education, based on the reflections of the academic citizens at the Faculty of Law Enforcement. The results of the research were composed of the answers of 216 academic students – involving students studying on the specialty of disaster management-, as well as 72 professors, as a representative sample. We created a hybrid survey comprising a questionaire
to be answered with the help of a 5 grade Likert scale and guided questions. We categorized and synthesized the incoming data, then we made a distinction between positive and negative answers in order to clarify how positively, negatively or in a miscellaneous way the professors and the students got by the online education. As far as the results are concerned, we faced more negative reflections than positive, from the aspect of both professors and students as a whole,
regarding digital education. In the framework of our research, we investigated the experiences of several countries in connection with the digital education, moreover, we formulated recommendations as future perspectives, in order to contribute to the efficiency of online education.


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How to Cite
Ürmösné Dr. SimonG., & Kovács Éva. (2023). The effectiveness of online education at the faculty of law enforcement from the aspect of professor’s and student’s - the result of a hybrid research. Defence Science, 7(1), 191-219. Retrieved from