Generation and spread of domestic fire
The experience of fire and firefighting in the last fifty years shows that the accelerating phenomena, processes, exponential changes and their effects in the industrial, technical and digital space, as well as in the social technocracy, can be traced not only in preventive fire protection, but also in the event of house fires. This paradigm shift requires a new approach to firefighting tactics, but also puts effective firefighting intervention in a new dimension.
References; (Letöltés ideje: 2019.11.28.) (Letöltés ideje: 2019.11.29.) (Letöltés ideje: 2019.11.29.) (Letöltés ideje: 2019.11.29)
LARS-Gören Bengtsson: ENCLOSURE FIRES; NRS Tryckeri, Huskvarna , Sweden 2001., Swedish Recuse Service Agency, 1-194 pp.; ISBN:91-7253-263-7