Fine tuning of the test method for fire propagation in facades

Keywords: facade fire spread, test, facade fire spread limit, fire resistance, facade fire barrier


The study of the phenomenon of fire spread in facades is a popular topic in international fire safety research. Their main objective is to understand recent major façade fires, to model them through test methods and simulations, and to prevent similar incidents through national regulations. The author of this paper has been researching for several years the possibilities for further development of the domestic method of facade fire spread. In his article, he summarises the domestic fire protection objectives for facades and their implementation, the phenomenon of facade fire spread, the typical structures. It briefly describes the national testing standard currently in use, and then the relevant aspects that have been analysed and examined in detail to justify its development.


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How to Cite
TóthP. L. (2023). Fine tuning of the test method for fire propagation in facades. Defence Science, 7(1), 1-33. Retrieved from