Investigation of possible fire causes in agriculturaé machinery

Keywords: agriculture fires, fire investigation, reasons of fire, risk of fire, prevention of fires


The prevention of fires in various areas of agriculture is a key topical issue due to the growing demands placed on this sector. Some of the fires that have occurred can be related to the operation of various agricultural machines. In this article I investigate the possible sources of this phenomenon related to technical failures. The amount of risk each fire cause represents is quantified in this study, and I have also taken into account the accumulated experience dealing with fires within this sector in order to develop more appropriate corrective measures, and based on these parameters I have compiled a risk matrix. The use of the aquired knowledge in this manner makes it easier to identify and filter out the causes with the highest risk values. So, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the prevention of fires during the operation of agricultural machinery by formulating the necessary corrective measures considering the results of the aforementioned analysis.


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How to Cite
NagyB. (2023). Investigation of possible fire causes in agriculturaé machinery. Defence Science, 6(2), 53-65. Retrieved from