Description and investigation of IT systems used in disaster management

Keywords: disaster, IT systems, emergency, artificial intelligence, big data


Countries at risk of natural disasters need to have resources in place commensurate with the type and extent of disaster risks identified through appropriate risk analysis procedures. Assessing the extent of the vulnerability and reviewing it regularly is a very complex task. This is especially true in the midst of the changes brought about by current climate change. Thus, it is an increasing challenge for professionals to assess the factors that determine the development of disasters effectively. Thus, it is inevitable that this multivariate system will rely heavily on state-of-the-art IT solutions offered by the 21st century to prevent, reduce, and manage threats. In this research, various IT solutions are presented, which can serve as a modern background for reducing hazards and damages caused by disasters.


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How to Cite
BarnabásS., & NagyR. (2023). Description and investigation of IT systems used in disaster management. Defence Science, 6(2), 1-16. Retrieved from