Formation and avoidance of toxic combustion products: methods for preventing carbon-monoxide poisoning by community awareness tools

Keywords: carbon monoxide, firefighter operation, community preparedness, resilience


Unfortunately, carbon monoxide has recently caused too many deaths and poisonings due to inadequate heating equipment. Last year, there were also an outstanding number of firefighting interventions on carbon monoxide, with many victims, most of which could have been avoided with sufficient awareness. From the point of view of effective community aeareness, it is important to integrate danger-conscious behavior necessary for preparedness into the everyday
life at the youngest possible age. Experience shows that, on one hand, children are more receptive to new knowledge and, on the other hand, the whole family is much more open to develop a safety-conscious lifestyle for their safety and security. Effective preparedness of the rising generation is the key to develop community resilience.


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A Katasztrófavédelmi Tudományos Tanács 2020. évi pályázatán I. helyet szerzett pályamű – dr. Sáfár Brigitta, dr. Tímár Tamás: „Mérgező égéstermékek keletkezése és kikerülése: A szénmonoxid-mérgezés megelőzésének lehetőségei a lakosságfelkészítés eszközeivel” – második részét közöltük.

How to Cite
SáfárB., & TímárT. (2023). Formation and avoidance of toxic combustion products: methods for preventing carbon-monoxide poisoning by community awareness tools. Defence Science, 6(2), 97-120. Retrieved from