Testing timber as a construction material with CT

Keywords: CT, timber, fire, red hearthwood, liquid transport


Timber as a construction material is different at its core from most other construction materials, as it is result of a procecced living organism. The available usecases of timber vary based on its quality and the faults. The nondestructive tests became prominent in this field because most faults evolve in the growing plants, so in some cases for example for detecting and tracking illness in a population, it is advatageous to examine the living trees. Some of these in situ tests (CT) are troublesome though. For construction materials, computer-tomography became widely used as a nondestructive test method. We summarized its usecases for timber based on literature and our experiments.


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How to Cite
BiróA., FöldesT., BiróB., & Lublóy Éva. (2023). Testing timber as a construction material with CT. Defence Science, 6(2), 19-36. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13458