Crisis communication aspects connected to post-disaster recovery

Keywords: disaster communication, recovery, empirical research, process concept


This paper was prepared related to my PhD study, which studies the issues of evaluation methods for post-flood-disaster-recovery process and it aims to examine the crisis communication aspects connected to public confidence which was analysed in my previous study. The effects of media and communication on public opinion are indisputable. Starting from this statement and my previous experiences it was necessary to investigate the relevant parts of communication activities in the Hungarian responsible post-disaster-recovery coordination and management organisation (National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of the Interior) and public service media represented by Hungarian Telegraphic Office with interviewing their competent experts (empirical study). Besides the general conceptualization and exploration of questions it was important to gain information about whether did the above-mentioned organisations investigate their communication activities influences on the public, more specific what kind of feedbacks might be resulted in the disaster-prone areas (directly and indirectly affected population, as well) from their crisis communication activities. This article describes a short significant literature review about the topic and summarises results from the experts’ interviews.


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How to Cite
KissA. (2023). Crisis communication aspects connected to post-disaster recovery. Defence Science, 6(1), 183-203. Retrieved from