Water assessment related to water damage remediation and the associated financing system

Keywords: climate change, sustainable water management, prevention, water damage, water management service, public service, government budget


It is an unquestionable fact in our present age, that water has become a strategic social issue. We have to deal with more extreme weather events, severe floods and droughts, and we must take into account considerable risks, accidents and events that can result in water quality degradation. Population growth trends predict significant increase for fresh water and suggest that we have to act now to protect our limited water resources (quantity and quality) with all available
methods. Regional and municipal development plans in many cases do not calculate their impact on social and natural conditions, for example water resources, thus resulting in future financial difficulties for towns, governments and investors when these conditions abruptly change. This study includes detailed technical tasks for water damage remediation and an optional financial framework in chapter management appropriations.


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How to Cite
BalatonyiL., TóthL., LábdyJ., & MakayG. (2023). Water assessment related to water damage remediation and the associated financing system. Defence Science, 5(4), 139-157. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13430