The historical review and domestic application of the nuclear safety culture and nuclear security culture

Keywords: nuclear safety culture assessment, nuclear security culture assessment


The following paper will explain and update nuclear safety and security culture, which was the main topic of my PhD dissertation, that was defended this year. [1] The expression of nuclear safety culture was born after the catastrophe of Chernobyl in 1986. The first nuclear safety culture guidance by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1991, on the other hand nuclear security culture was born fifteen years later in 2001, just right after the two-tower incident in New York. The two culture is stand by very similar elements, but on the integral application there are have been not published any domestic or international guidance yet. Among the weel known domestic application (MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management and Gamma Technical Corporation) of the culture assessment is basically based on nuclear safety culture, the assessment of security culture has only a couple of examples.


Solymosi Máté, Doktori PhD értekezés: Új eljárások a nukleáris biztonsági és védettségi kultúra felmérésére és fejlesztésére, 2018

WANO: PL | 2013-1 útmutató, 2013 május

NAÜ: No. 83as útmutató A nukleáris biztonsági kultúra felmérés lebonyolítására, 2016, Bécs

A 2017-ben az MVM Paksi Atomerőműben lefolytatott nukleáris biztonsági kultúra felmérés és kampány során alkalmazott plakát, amely az erős biztonsági kultúra elemeit tartalmazza

Petrányi János, Budaházi Éva, Bodó Ádám, Szabó Norbert, Eszenyi Gergely, Osváth Szabolcs: sr-90 zárt sugárforrás inhermetikussá válása a gamma műszaki zrt. Izotóplaboratóriumában, SV online, 2017 különszám

Védelem Tudomány – V. évfolyam, 1. szám, 2020. 1. hó 191

M Solymosi, K. Horváth, J. Petrányi: Nuclear security culture self assessment in radioactive material associated facility, conference paper, NAÜ, 2018, International conference International Conference on the Security of Radioactive Material: The Way Forward for Prevention and Detection, Bécs, Ausztria, 2018 december 3–7

How to Cite
SolymosiM., SolymosiJ., & VassG. (2023). The historical review and domestic application of the nuclear safety culture and nuclear security culture. Defence Science, 5(1), 181-191. Retrieved from