Nuclear accident prevention with the participation of the Hungarian Defence Forces

Keywords: nuclear energy, peaceful use, nuclear accidents prevention, action plan, DSDM


The peaceful use of nuclear energy plays an important role in the energy mix. It can be implemented in a sustainable way in the future, but it has to kept strictly under control. The supervision should be adapted to the national structure in accordance with the international regulations. Preparation is necessary for the prevention of the radiological and nuclear events that might occur during the peaceful usage of the nuclear energy. The National Nuclear
Emergency Response System (hereafter referred to as ’NERS’) ensures the mitigation and abolition of these events and their outcomes. Hungary has a National Nuclear Emergency Response Plan (hereafter referred to as ’NERP’) that is prepared for the cases of accidents in nuclear facilities. Tasks corresponding to ’NERS’ and ’NERP’ shall be performed by governmental coordination such as planning, commanding and executing the protection
activities in case of a nuclear emergency. In this system the utilization of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ capabilities –within the framework of the Defence System for Disaster Management - is indispensable.


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Országos Nukleárisbaleset-elhárítási Intézkedési Terv

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A 2011. évi CXXVIII. törvény a katasztrófavédelemről és a hozzá kapcsolódó egyes törvények módosításáról letöltés ideje: 2019. 01. 15.

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How to Cite
BárdosZ. (2023). Nuclear accident prevention with the participation of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Defence Science, 4(2), 146-166. Retrieved from