The importance of the interference of rescue dogs in the territory of the damaged buildings

Keywords: rescue dog, ruin seeker, discovery, emergency organisation, building damage, arisen of catastrophe, USAR


Rescue dogs are used during already occured damages to discover the casualties, to expedite the procedure and to improve its efficiency. The discovery of casualties under the damaged buildings after a natural or civilizational catastrophe is a very difficult,complex task therefore the efficiency depends on the professionalism and technical support of the interferer forces. The ruin seeker rescue dog is a very important and necessary „work equipment” for the emergency organisations. This article contains the training of the rescue dogs, the importance of their interference and the description of the unique techniques used during the exploration in ruined atmosphere.


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How to Cite
BodóD. (2023). The importance of the interference of rescue dogs in the territory of the damaged buildings. Defence Science, 4(2), 104-121. Retrieved from