Experiences of evacuation drills in communal buildings

Keywords: fire drill, evacuation drill, evacuation, exit throughput


It is required in Hungary to make fire drills yearly at business organizations. The evacuation drill could be a part of the fire drill. During the evacuation drill it is measurable the number of the participants and the time to evacuate the building. In this scientific publication we examined the correlation of the number of the participants and the time needed to evacuate during evacuation drills in different communal buildings. We calculated the number of the passing
persons of 1 m of the cumulated width of the exits.


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How to Cite
HerczegG., & BércziL. (2023). Experiences of evacuation drills in communal buildings. Defence Science, 4(2), 84-103. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13340