Construction aspects of disasters in Hungary
Humans spend significant part of their lives nowadays in built environment, in buildings. Since centuries, thousend of years humans formed settlements with the systematic design of buildings, which are one of the basic pillars of the place of residence. In the process of settling have become increasingly important the aspects of safety and living principles, which are still valid nowadays too. In the XXI. century the total population of the Earth has reached an unprecedent number of humans, wich influences the development of the settlements unequally and in different ways, but significantly all around the world. In the near future researchers are predicting a further increase in
world population, which will affect the ecosystem of the cities. The natural development of the population of Europe shows a decreasing tendency nowadays, but primarily because of economic reasons, the proportion of the population of different areas is changing, which altogether influences the balance of the built and natural environment in the affected region. The most damaging factors for both the built and the natural environment are the various natural and civilization disasters, which can change significantly the living conditions of the affected area, therefore we have to give priority to their impact. In this paper the researchers summarize the construction framework for the built environment in Hungary in the context of disasters. The reaserchers analyzed the the possibilities of prevention against the effects of disasters affecting different buildings in the field of prevention, restoration and reconstruction. They examined the most effective reconstruction options within the existing construction system.
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