Operation of the defense management system's local level, in the light of experience of a leadership management course

Keywords: defense management, operation of the local defense committee, leadership exercise


Many examples of applying and practicing the defense management system are available in the last few years. However, due to the nature of events occurring, or among the exercises carried out in recent years only a few can be found, when local and municipal level elements were operating. Reagaring this, a leadership management exercise has been organized, which examined the operation in the relation of local defense committees and the municipal protection capabilities, as well as modeled the conditions when these relations are sufficient to perform civil protection tasks. Experiences arising from the exercise – implemented to the above – were given a good knowledge to the participants and highlighted such circumstances, which can improve, thereby damage remediation tasks will become more and more effective in the future.


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How to Cite
Győző-Molnár Árpád. (2023). Operation of the defense management system’s local level, in the light of experience of a leadership management course. Defence Science, 3(4), 140-158. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13297