The First World War and the public defender martial legal regulation: endangerment and defense in continental theater of war

Keywords: international martial legal regulation, passive air defense, civil defence, lookout and meaningful services, strategic bombers, hinterland, blackout, alarming


The authors show the development of the international martial legal regulation until 1914. first of all towards the civil protection.. Then they determine some period category of the theme. The researchers typify the period new branch, the strategic bombers, they were danger to population of the hinterland, and show the period lookout and meaningful services, and the other tools and methods of the civil protection. Lastly they mention some french villages destroyed from bombings, and some typic conflict between civil population and enemy soldiers. The authors' opinion is : without martial legal regulation the Great War would have been more devastating and inhumane.


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How to Cite
BukovicsI., & ZelleiG. (2023). The First World War and the public defender martial legal regulation: endangerment and defense in continental theater of war. Defence Science, 3(3), 154-167. Retrieved from