The danger of smokes formed during fires

Keywords: burnings, fire, smoke, fumes, fire fighting


In order to increase the effectiveness of protection against fire, continuous study is required for the firefighters about combustion processes and the properties of the resulting fire. Nowadays, the specificity of closed place fires- due to the good insulating windows and the use of synthetic materials and fixtures- intense smoke formations are caused during the fire. The primer risk for the fire scene responders or trapped persons physiological functions are the high temperature and the resulting toxicity of combustion products. Our chosen subject is particularly relevant, because of the reports of the news about harmful effects arising from the impact of the various fires. Various materials and fumes characteristics generated during combustion including its specific physiological effects of the individual components are systematically introduced in this article, for improved understanding of the combustion process, analysis of the resulting combustion products. We wish to draw attention to the dangers of interventions and to assist in executing backup jobs for professionals.


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How to Cite
KutiR., & ZólyomiG. (2023). The danger of smokes formed during fires. Defence Science, 3(2), 67-76. Retrieved from