The inside wall and ceiling cover's action on the level of the fire alarm sounds II.

Keywords: fire, fire safety, fire alarm system, alarm zone, sounder, acoustics


One of the best important parts of the fire detection and fire alarm system's planning is to provide correct sound pressure level at all points of the space. This is facilitated by a built environment where the sound generated by the alarm devices can spread as easily as possible with the least damping. The trend of the construction industry is just the opposite. One of the main purpose of the development is to provide people with a sense of comfort. One of the aspects of it, to emphasize the acoustic characteristics of the interiors. Most important is the sound insulation between the individual spaces, and the spread of the sound in the given space is suppressed so as to support human communication as much as possible, let's think about the popularity of single-office offices, for example. The development of building materials (plasterboard partition walls, doors and pavements etc.) has therefore shifted towards the use of higher sound attenuation materials, so fire alarm system designers should consider this in planning.


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How to Cite
BedaL., & Mohai Ágota Z. (2023). The inside wall and ceiling cover’s action on the level of the fire alarm sounds II. Defence Science, 3(2), 21-34. Retrieved from