Developement of industrial safety's competences in domestic higher education

Keywords: Disaster management, higher education, industrial safety, fire protection engineering, Hungary


The Institute for Disaster Management of National University for Public Service was established in 1-st of January 2012, which has a special role in higher education in the field of industrial safety, fire protection and civil protection in Hungary. The aim of this article is to introduce the professional and scientific activities of the Institute, the methodology used in the course of basic and master education, furthermore the plans aimed at the expansion of the higher education system with fire protection engineering basic education courses including the competences of industrial safety’s technical knowledge.


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How to Cite
VassG., Kátai-UrbánL., & CséplőZ. (2023). Developement of industrial safety’s competences in domestic higher education. Defence Science, 3(1), 71-84. Retrieved from