The civil protection - like measures, methods and instruments in Europe, applied in the I. World War

Keywords: passive air defense, civil protection, civil defence, lookout and meaningful services, strategic bombers, blackout, public information, sheltering, evacuation


First of all the authors join to former project, subject on „The international martial legal regulation towards the protection of the civil population in the tract of the First World War” Then they determine some category, such as: air defense, passive air defense, activated air defense, civil air defense, civil protection, civil defence. In the next break they show the period new branch, the strategic bombers, they were danger to population of the hinterland, and review the moral effects of the bombings. With this the researchers specifyed the more important bombings against the built-up areas of the Europe in the Great War, and make mention the great bombing plan of the entente against enemy european cities in 1919. Int he next part are showed the period lookout and meaningful services, and the other tools and methods of the civil protection, such as: alarming, public information, sheltering, blackout, and the evacuation. Finally the authors make mention the legislations in favour of the the civil protection in the Hungarian Kingdom from 1914. until 1918.


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How to Cite
EndrődiI., & ZelleiG. (2023). The civil protection - like measures, methods and instruments in Europe, applied in the I. World War. Defence Science, 2(4), 136-157. Retrieved from