Practicing an intervention in the presence of a burning gas bottle
During their interventions, the Hungarian firefighters place great emphasis on saving value and preventing damage growth. Gas cylinders exposed to heat stress are one of the biggest sources of danger when extinguishing fires. In addition to the fact that they cause significant material damage in case of explosion, they directly endanger the lives of the intervening staff. In an explosion-hazardous environment, the stress level of the intervening staff also increases, thereby limiting the ability to recognize the situation and make decisions. I think it is important to provide training opportunities for the firefighters who intervene to solve such situations. The goal is for the first encounter with a burning gas bottle to take place in controlled, safe conditions. The experience gained in practice provides a suitable basis for the development of correct intervention methodology, and promotes the acquisition of the knowledge necessary for safe intervention. The practice methodology and practice bottle that I have presented provide a possible solution for this preparation
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