A study of fire service interventions in structural damages

Keywords: rescue organisation, structural damage, disaster onset, search and rescue, USAR


Searching for people trapped under damaged structures following a natural or a man-made disaster is a difficult and complex task, so the intervention units need to be acquainted with a wide range of search and rescue equipment and methods. In this paper I examine the factors specifically causing building damages as well as the range of equipment available. The paper includes the description of special tools, potential disaster types causing structural damages as well as HUNOR, the professional rescue organisation of Hungary.


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Bodó Dávid: Épületkároknál történő tűzoltói beavatkozások vizsgálata című diplomamunka, 2017

BM OKF. http://www.katasztrofavedelem.hu, (letöltés 2017.02.26.)

How to Cite
BodóD. (2023). A study of fire service interventions in structural damages. Defence Science, 2(2), 12-25. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13104