Some aspects of disaster management in Brazil

  • Bruna Carolina Lobo Ferreira
Keywords: mental health, natural disasters, good governance, community-base, vulnerability


This article deals with the aspects of Brazilian social structure to the climatic events that affect the country. It endows itself with a sociological concept of disaster, which is defined by a disruptive event of social structure. In addition, it presents the structure of civil protection and mental health as part of management. The paper presents the natural disaster in the Mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro in 2011 together with the mental health work accomplished. Important aspects of mental health and good governance practices are pointed out in order to contribute to current strategies and assist in building effective plans. These plans should include the adequate preparation of the professionals who will work in-depth diagnostic assessment of the situation and consistent with the culture, as well as the development of strategies for empowerment and creation of networks with the community.


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How to Cite
Lobo FerreiraB. C. (2023). Some aspects of disaster management in Brazil. Defence Science, 2(1), 294-303. Retrieved from