Analisys of nuclear accident response system of the nuclear power plant Paks from radiation protection point of view

Keywords: nuclear accident response system, nuclear power plant, department of radiation protection, spread calculation software, developement


In this article, will be shortly discussed the MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Ltd. nuclear accident response system, its structure and functioning. Within this, the presentation focusing on the work of the departments of radiation protection
responsibilities. At the end, we can see in details two spread calculation software, „DOSE-ON” and „TREX” used by MVM Paks NPP Ltd. During the presentations of these software will be shown which software is used for what purpose, what kind of
input data needed and what output data are expected against them. Then will be presented a development connected to the international verification testing (OSART), what results faster response and intervention. Therefore we will proposed our
development, keeping the more faster and more efficient decision-making in mind.


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How to Cite
MangaL., Kátai-UrbánL., & VassG. (2023). Analisys of nuclear accident response system of the nuclear power plant Paks from radiation protection point of view. Defence Science, 2(1), 152-162. Retrieved from