Possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in developing countries

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, drone, applications, developing countries, surveillance


Mitigating disaster impacts, responding to emergencies or carrying out post-disaster assessments are critical in both research and practice. However, remote rural areas, absence of or damaged infrastructure and hazardous post-disaster situations pose a challenge to such operations. This paper, therefore, explores the use of drones in developing countries. Methods: This paper focuses on civilian applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in developing countries. Literature study of different materials as well as personal experience in similar environments resulted in the compilation of this work. Results: UAVs are useful both in developed and developing countries. They have been used to obtain imagery for disaster risk assessment and response. They also have been used in wildlife protection, delivery of medical samples to remote areas, mapping disaster risk, helping displaced persons and conflict emergency surveillance. UAVs provide an effective, fast and
less expensive solution to save more lives and the environment in developing countries.


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How to Cite
MuyamboF., JordaanA., & Restás Ágoston. (2023). Possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in developing countries. Defence Science, 2(1), 94-101. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13069