When firefighters are in trouble: cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure

Keywords: firefighting, firefighters, CPR, FF-CPR, life saving at fireground


In the rescue in emergency situations is always the humans in distress are to be focused and very little attention is paid to rescuers in extreme conditions. The extreme conditions can cause extreme pressure, which can get them into trouble, and in the last resort it can risk their lives. The article focuses on the possibilities of reanimation protocols for firefighters who are exposed to these type of circumstances. During the intervention, beside the suffocation the most common cause of death for firefighters is a cardiac arrest. It started high-quality complete cardio - pulmonary resuscitation at the right time is crucially not only to survive, but to avoid the later complications. Because of the special environments of fireground and the heavy and tightly fixed gears of the firefighters we need markedly different procedures of the civil practice for a successful rescue. The author gives examples of these.


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How to Cite
KósG. (2023). When firefighters are in trouble: cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure. Defence Science, 1(4), 30-41. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13030