Technical rescue in emergency situations caused by hymenoptera

Keywords: bees, wasps, emergency, firemen interventions, technical rescue


In Hungary, the provision of technical rescues constitute a significant part of the activities of the professional fire brigades. Fire-fighters –by risking their physical integrity in many cases – perform life-saving and remedial activities in a variety of emergency situations. Our chosen theme is particularly relevant, because in the spring and summer time we are informed about a lot of threat situations caused by Hymenoptera in the news. Special caution is required at the
intervention due to insect threats, which opportunities and security rules are reviewed in this article. The legal basis for the procedures are analised and examined, for the right methods to apply for effective remediation when danger is caused by stinging. With this research we wish to draw attention to the dangers of interventions and to assist in executing the tasks of rescues.


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How to Cite
KocsisI., PéntekA., FazekasC., & Dr. KutiR. (2023). Technical rescue in emergency situations caused by hymenoptera. Defence Science, 1(3), 78-91. Retrieved from