Assessing the role of the volunteer fire associations in the field of fire protection

Keywords: volunteer fire association, dislocation, effectiveness, cooperation


Introduction: Firefighting in Hungary is based on professional fire service, however it is well known only professional fire brigades are not enough to solve these huge task. Therefore there are many initiatives like making improved conditions for effective interventions, creating stronger regulatory environment as well as increased level of dislocation must be reached that all citizens should enjoy the same level of security. Method: The author explains the laws that apply, interpret concepts for fire intervention and makes a detailed analysis of the system. In this article some real interventions of fire service were evaluated, as well as to hear the opinions of experts took place. Result: The article highlights the fact that the volunteer fire associations in which cases can intervene effectively in the field of fire protection, how they will be held to qualify, what are the rules of making co-operation with professional fire services.


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How to Cite
KalamárN. (2023). Assessing the role of the volunteer fire associations in the field of fire protection. Defence Science, 1(2), 507-517. Retrieved from