Possibilities of using satellite remote sensing in the prevention and managing of disasters
The aim of this work is to present the possibilities, limitations and expected future development directions of the data that can be extracted by satellite remote sensing in the field of prevention, early prediction and flexible, efficient management of natural and civilized disasters. The work provides an overview of the capabilities and usability of the satellites used in the system, as well as the experiences gained so far in the field of disaster prevention. It also contains recommendations for direct use by individual specialties in the organization of the Disaster Management. The presentation covers with special attention the COPERNICUS Program of the European Commission, in which the remote sensing data available by the SENTINEL satellite family can be directly requested by the National Directorate-General of Disaster Management of Hungary (NDGDM), and can be used both for the development of intervention strategies and for the management of restoration. The material also presents the results and development possibilities of the Earth Observation Information System implemented with the support of the European Union and the partnership of several organizations, including the NDGDM.
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